
漫漫長路(六): 第一至十三任博士在宿敵Dalek眼中的樣子!?



Skaro Dalek EmpireSilver Dalek

(ClassicWho S02E02: The Dalek Invasion of Earth)

(ClassicWho S04E03: The Power of the Daleks)

(ClassicWho S04E03: The Power of the Daleks
/Colour Animated Version)

(ClassicWho S04E09: The Evil of the Daleks
/Colour Animated Version)

Imperial Dalek Empire: Imperial Dalek

(ClassicWho S25E01: Remembrance of the Daleks)

Time War Dalek Empire: Time War/Bronze Dalek

(NuWho S01E06: Dalek)

(NuWho S02E13: Doomsday)
(NuWho S03E05: Evolution of the Daleks)

New Dalek EmpireBronze Dalek

(NuWho S05E03: Victory of the Daleks)

New Dalek ParadigmParadigm/Supreme Dalek

(NuWho S06E13: The Wedding of River Song)

(NuWho S06E13: The Wedding of River Song)

New Dalek Paradigm: Bronze Dalek

(NuWho S08E02: Into the Dalek)

Skaro Dalek Empire: Reconnaissance Dalek

(NuWho 2019 New Year Special: Resolution)

New Dalek Paradigm: Bronze Dalek

(NuWho BBC Centenary Special: The Power of the Doctor)